I’m so glad a young leader like Muhammad Waseem Qadeer has put his name forward to serve our community. Scarborough students need someone to fight for them on the school board. To get them the support and resources they need. To ensure our schools get their fair share. He has the tools and experience to get to work as our trustee on day one. He has my vote.
The Toronto District School Board needs young, fresh, and talented Trustees like Muhammad Waseem Qadeer. His passion and energy would be a welcome addition to the School Board.
Not enough people pay attention to school trustee elections, but these are people that help to shape the education our children receive, and nothing is more important to me. I’m so glad a young leader like Muhammad Waseem Qadeer has stepped forward and is ready to serve our community and our children. I’ve looked at his experience and his values, and I’m confident he is the right choice to be our voice on the school board. I am happy to endorse his candidacy for TDSB trustee from Scarborough Centre on behalf of the Kiriakou family.
Like many residents of Scarborough, I moved here because I want to provide the best possible future for my children. And that starts with the best possible education. Waseem is an example of a young person who came up through the school system here, is succeeding, and is ready to give back. He understands the hopes and dreams we have for our children, and he’s ready to fight for them.
This October, we need to elect a school trustee that will stand for accessibility, inclusion and good education. I’m supporting Muhammad Waseem Qadeer because he has the common sense, the business experience and leadership to deliver results for our young people. We can count on Waseem to stand up for what is right and fight for student success, well-being and equity.
I had the pleasure of working alongside Mohammad Waseem Qadeer in different capacities for the last few years and has seen his passion and commitment to bettering our Scarborough Community. Waseem proudly celebrates diverse cultures and profound vibrancy they bring to our society. He will work very diligently with Parents, Teachers & Students of Ward 17 as their School Board Trustee and I am very pleased to support his candidacy.
If our kids are going to succeed, we need more teachers and support staff in our schools to ensure youth that need extra help, get extra help. I’m supporting Muhammad Waseem Qadeer because he understands this, and he will fight to hire more teachers and support staff in our schools. It’s time Scarborough gets the support it needs and deserves, and Waseem will do all he can to ensure that we do.
As a recent graduate of the TDSB system in Scarborough who is now succeeding professionally, Muhammad Waseem understands what our schools can do better to prepare students for life after school and to succeed in post-secondary studies. I’m supporting Muhammad Waseem Qadeer because he’ll work to ensure our youth have all the tools they need to succeed.
I am pleased to endorse Mr. Qadeer as the best candidate for School Trustee from Scarborough Center. He grew up in Scarborough Center. He attended Schools upto grade 12 in Scarborough Center. He is a Graduate from University of Toronto in Computer Engineering. He knows how our education system works and he also knows what necessary improvement is needed for the betterment of children’s education of today and tomorrow.
This municipal election, our candidate for the School Trustee is Muhamamd Waseem Qadeer who is young, energetic, and yet well experienced; and he knows the local solutions of all our problems & concerns related to schools and public education. I have full confidence in Waseem as he will be our voice in TDSB. Hence, I am very happy to endorse Waseem for the TDSB Trustee position in our riding, Scarborough Centre. I appeal to all communities to support Waseem Qadeer and elect him as our next TDSB Trustee.
Best of luck, Waseem!
As we emerge from the pandemic, we need to ensure students have the tools they need to catch up and succeed. I’m supporting Muhammad Waseem Qadeer because he gets that, and he will fight to ensure more after-school programs and opportunities for our youth here in Scarborough. We need a strong voice for Scarborough kids, and that’s Waseem.
If someone is going to fight for Scarborough, they need to know Scarborough. Why the challenges our youth face are different from other communities. Waseem has lived here for more than a decade and is a graduate of Scarborough schools. He has lived the challenges our youth are facing, and he will fight for us with passion and with experience.